How can I become a member of the Executive Council?
Executive Committee is an apex constitutional body and is constituted from the Foundation's Open Council and the member's appointment is an electoral process.
Appointment to Executive Committee is conducted after every two years though a General election.
About Nominations: A candidate may self nominate themselves for the membership to Executive Committee.
Before a candidate files for nomination to the Executive Committee, following should be taken into consideration:
Candidates should already be serving on one of the organs of the Open Council, in the election year or in the preceeding year to the election.
Candidates should have demonstrated community consensus and have actively participated in Foundation's purposes and initiatives.
(For 2019-2022) Maximum number of candidate nominations are proportionate to the size of community. For each 100 community member, a single candidate nomination is applicable.
E.g If there are 1000 members, then for an election year, not more than 10 nominations seat for Executive Committee may be filed.
Note: Each Council Committee appoints a single member(generally Committee's Chair) to reserve a vote whether to accept or reject a candidate's nomination.
This means that each Council Committee Chair naturally holds a Veto against a nomination.
This ensures that quality leaderships and human virtues are upheld during the election process. (Read more on what each Committee is responsible for.)
Once candidate's nominations achieve quorum with the Council committees, all nominations are then put to vote by the community.
On Election: Each community member has a single vote to a candidate's nomination.
The candidates who receive more than half of all votes registered by participating community members, are then appointed to the Executive Committee.
After Election: The elected members to the Executive Committee shall then resolve to appoint a Chancellor amongst themselves.
A general guideline is to appoint a Chancellor with the highest number of votes received in the election.
About Chancellor of Muellners Foundation:
a. A Chancellor is responsible for the direction of Foundation's open source initiatives.
b. Council Committees act as counsel to the Chancellor, well within each committee's guidelined roles.
c. A Chancellor is impeachable and if the Executive Committee decides then a Vice Chancellor may also be appointed.