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What is the role or duties of any constituted Steering C.W.C?

Role of Steering CWCs and its members:

  1. CWC members work closely with Steering Council members appointed to a project. They are also an active group of contributors to a project.

  2. CWC members shall contribute to the project documentation for the public-facing records.

  3. CWC members shall contribute to the project's lifecycle management.

  4. CWC members shall contribute to the source code of the project, if it has one, just like any other individual contributor to the project, except they may have additional privilege protocols to act on the project's change requests.

  5. CWC members shall introduce new members of the Foundation to their project's documentation.

  6. CWC members work with and counsel Steering Council members to ensure project direction is public-facing, open and transparent at all times.

  7. CWC members propose Community Proposals on behalf of the project.

Any CWC member may initiate a community proposal on behalf of a project for the Foundation's Open Convention Forums. A Steering Council member(appointed to a project) can nominate a community proposal for a Committee Vote.

The Steering Council ratifies community proposals from Project CWCs and decides whether to accept or reject CWC members' proposals.

8. CWC members represent the Foundation's project in industry events and activities and open source communities maintained by other organisations.

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