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How do I access Foundation's Gitbook resources ?


I want to access Open Constitution’s Gitbook site for things like writing technical documentation on a project, updating public facing literature, project documentations etc.

Remember that your membership has been accorded appropriate privileges basis Foundation’s Identity Governance guidelines.


A. For citizens;

Open Constitution uses Google Workspace as an IDP(Identity Provider) across many Open Constitution digital tools and services, including Gitbook.

If you have access to your Foundation Google Workspace account (It generally looks like this or, you can always use this to sign into Gitbook resources.

IMPORTANT: For security reasons, the password to your Google Workspace Identity cannot be self reset. If you have forgotten your password, please raise a support ticket.

Related Knowledge base and articles

How do I access Foundation's Slack member spaces?

How do I access Open Constitution's Atlassian Workspace applications?

How do I access Foundation's Google Workspace applications?

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