How do I access or update DNS records of a Foundation registered domain name?
Example Scenarios
Case 1: I have created an experimental web application, as part of my project with the Foundation.
Now, I want to publish the application on a domain name or a sub domain to a primary domain, owned and registered by the Foundation.
Case 2: I want to configure DNS records of a locked domain name of the Foundation, for routing an Internet application on the Open Constitution network.
Case 3: I would like to configure or verify a locked domain name of the Foundation, with a third party service, as part of my project with the Foundation.
Case 4: I would like to configure a mailing service for a web or mobile application.
How do I gain access to the DNS console for the domain name?
If you are a Project C.W.C member, you should have admin privileges to the DNS console for the domain name, which you wish to use for your
In case, if you are not a C.W.C member, please reach out to the Project C.W.C members. A Project C.W.C member should have admin access to the DNS console for the domain name or sub domain, which you wish to use. They should be able to assist you or provide appropriate privileges for you to do, what you wish to do.
Add or configure DNS in the selected cloud service's console.
Foundation uses third party cloud and Internet infrastructure services provider -e.g Google, IBM Cloud, Cloudflare, Amazon Web Services etc. Depending on the registrar and DNS services, you may want to take a look at the Related Knowledge base, provided by these service providers.
4. In case, if you are unable to setup or configure DNS in the selected cloud service’s console, please raise a support ticket directly with the cloud service provider, using your Foundation IDP.(Identity Provider)
The project should be at STAGE 4: RELEASE TO OPEN SOURCE, for any web application associated with the project, to be published on a domain or its sub domain, registered and owned by the Foundation.
📎 Related articles
Read about how to use Google Search Console.
Read about how to use IBM Cloud Domain Name Services Console.
Read about how to use Cloudflare Services Console.